Volunteer and Outreach
Volunteers are essential to the festival and its overall success. With this year’s theme of Legacy, the volunteer's goal is to instill passion and purpose through their work and dedication to aiding the most ideal outcome of each event of the week. By engaging volunteers, we hope to promote volunteerism and carry on the legacy of service. By creating diverse groups and individuals who are willing to commit and serve, this year’s volunteers will learn the importance of the African American Heritage Festival, and what it brings to the African/African American community and to the campus. The festival will provide the opportunity for students, as well as the community, to network and get involved with the campus while enjoying the wonderful events! The Volunteer informational orientations will be held during the Spring Semester as we near the festival.
We welcome everyone to join us in making sure that each event runs smoothly throughout the week of the 47th Annual African American Heritage Festival. If you, your organization, service group, or company is interested in signing up to volunteer, or have any additional questions about volunteer descriptions, please contact our Co-Overalls Music Thornton (thornton.483@osu.edu), Tanya Rogers (rogers.1664@osu.edu) and Ruth Tongor (tongor.2@osu.edu).
Overall Committee
Music Thornton

Tanya Rogers
Ruth Tongor
Bethany Massenburg-Jackson
Student Advisor